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  1. DO NOT post, upload, promote, or link to anything that is illegal in the US. This includes:
    1. Child sexual abuse material (CSAM), child erotica, and lolicon/ shotacon
    2. Animal torture and zoosadism
  2. DO NOT post or promote degenerate content, including ALL pornography and erotic imagery, character or celebrity thirst threads, child gore (e.g. DNB), or fetishes such as cuckoldry, interracial sex, and zoophilia.
    1. However, such content can be shown or suggested for recording purposes, such as in a screenshot or through words such as "anon posted furry porn on /qa2/."
    2. Images of gore or screenshots showing degenerate content MUST be spoilered.
  3. DO NOT spam threads or flood boards for any reason.
  4. DO NOT shill websites, businesses, or communities that are disruptive, hostile, and/ or kiked.
  5. Adhere to the general topic or theme of the board you are posting on. Posts that do not pertain to the topic or theme of the board WILL be moved or deleted.
  6. No one from the churro/chinny/spinny allowed (that includes your cord).
  7. Don't be a pooner.

Ban Lengths

By default, bans last for one day, but posting illegal content, being a Chinnycuck/ Churrocuck/ Totencorder, or repeatedly breaking rules will result in a permaban.