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vichan has been updated to 5.2.0


quote being 17 is concerning because if he's up 24/7 botting websites with chatgpt scripts all day that means he's a neet doing it for free
imagine being his parents and knowing your son is a failure


i doubt his dox is real because if it was he would look like a pajeet


wait he's 17? margarine?


he's an adult with a job doey


I don't think he's 17 but it would be really funny if he turned out to be a 17 year old neet


quote is hot id bang


I'm not quote but I am a 17 year old and disappointment to my parents. Ask me anything.


*17 year old neet


hows it like owning the ninny? KEEEEEEEK


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uhh I wouldn't know


quote is a jobless fatass like the rest of the fdl.


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quote is based for ddosing pooner.party i would kill myself if this was an average user on my site


what are you even talking about


is this the shemmycuck bunker or am i at the wrong place


wrong place


what the fuck is this place


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None of your business kike.


if you dont answer im spamming child porn




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It's an imageboard for whatever, i don't know. Also you won't do shit faggot kys.


dont… challenge… me..


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Even though the shemmy is owned by younger people and is even more pointless

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