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vichan has been updated to 5.2.0

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>ninnyblubber (who'll never be anything but a bunker) ARE THIS DESPERATE TO SILENCE PATRIOTS
might as well redirect the site to discord.com


You aren't always gonna get your way


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>j-just let me have my dead site with my discord friends.. okay?!
oh nononoo..


you're retarded, feralnigger doesn't even know how to janny properly. And I doubt the attentionwhore foid can do any better.


its not your website


just give the site to vadim already.


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It actually is
I'm one of the three people to post it on it


he dosent like me so no


Stop calling me that


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so much this
site will only ever be active as a bunker or target for spam
13 year old avatarfags may have false hopes of being the next splinter.. but… nope!


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discord attentionwhore would be more accurate


Stop leaking pls


maybe he will if you all step down and give the site to him.

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