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vichan has been updated to 5.2.0


me if im cate :)


OP needs some BBC


pls stop… im mad enough okay


tyrone left me…


i want to strangle and rape you and fucking slam your head into the ground over and over until you turn into a fucking dumbass. how would you feel if i forced my fucking fetishes on you all day bitch???? yhou fucking faggot shut the fuck up. you do this JUST TO GET ME MAD YOUF UCKING RETARDED FUCKING FAGGOT I WILL FUCKING MAKE YOU INTO A FUCKING VEGETABLE IF YOU EVER GET FUCKING DOXXED




your dox <3
name: jimbob mcshitkins (online alias is pedotransgirl46. 46 stands for his age btw.
address: he doesn't have a house, he lives in south africa but he's literally homeless geg
his mom is black and so was his dad but he paints his skin white with LEAD PAINT so he can pretend he's white. he's like transrace or something. he will never be white. he only wants to be white so he can be blacked KEEEEEEEEEEK
he used to have a youtube but got banned after he posted dog rape compilations sick FUCK)
jimbob can be used as a projector with how much he projects onto me.
jimbob, despite being trans, doesn't even BOTHER to do anything to change his looks to look more feminine. he may as well not be trans.
jimbob will die in the next 37 hours <3


>he might as well not be trans
hell naw feralteen is a tranny


File: 1735812765102.png (647.26 KB, 736x597, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps

>hell naw feralteen is a tranny


medicine. i am NOT jimbob. jimbob is too busy gooning to 'p right now to even falseflag as me.

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