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>vichan has been updated to- ACKK!

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im going through every thread and banning quote's spam posts cuz im bored and the other jannies missed some


quote can only have so many vpn botnet ips

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then she slurps both of them into her smegma filled sweaty futa horsecock!




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>niggas be like ohh ban them ban them
my nigga I tried
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Even if I did they’d be unbanned by a admin.


Who tf would unban them? They post illegal shit all the time and everybody knows that, sounds like a really poor excuse for not doing your "job" properly


Part of it they are


you clearly like the attention and drama, that's why you're capfagging all the time, it's not like we want to know you do it for free on ninny.win



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My head hurts


capcode fail, laugh at this user



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I won
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Ugughug what’s ur telgram I can tell you the whole story




Just demote xer already, xhe's gonna turn this site into rdrama.discordy


hes right..


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never forget when quote publicly said he fully supported 'p spammers on the IRC, and when dodder posted about this in the kiwifarms thread quote got (((them))) to try to falseflag and tarnish his name immediately after
soyjak.st is run by rapist pedophiles who groom children like crooked cooper and kikeish froot and i will never, never ever forgive them for what they've done.






marge that's not irc




>discord filename
get the shemmy back so i can get away from this discord splinter, i beg


idk who the hell thought hiring the attentionwhore as a mod would be a good idea

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does (You)r software require a wav file of a guy saying good googly goo to not be deleted to run?


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make it a webm or mp4 with at least a resoluton of 1x1 i guess

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