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>vichan has been updated to- ACKK!

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Just doxxed Coswork16 and here's how he looks like.


had me in the first half not gonna lie. I don't want to look like gigachad doe

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Okay then, imageboards having an account system still don't feel right but I guess that's just me
Also shemmycucks must be super lazy if the captcha is too much for them but I can see why they don't like it, the captcha can get annoying sometimes"

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>no mold lunchly
>look inside
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>bugless cereal
>look inside






it does include bbc doe

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>Okay then, imageboards having an account system still don't feel right but I guess that's just me
>Also shemmycucks must be super lazy if the captcha is too much for them but I can see why they don't like it, the captcha can get annoying sometimes

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dead site dead 'log dead nigger dead site shut it down geeeeeeg gegegeg geeg geg!


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>eeeeeeg gegegeg geeg geg!


why so dead ninncompoop


that's aryan shemmycuck





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Does coswork have telegram


he has A10 blue eyes and he's vantawhite


im an insider at telegram. stop using it


i dont give a shit i need answers
this is /qa/ nigga


he also has email

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>it seeks to be a spiritual successor of qaculture.org
Nigga that was 5 years ago give up the qa shit it wasn't even that good to begin with


Why do you hate white people?


quote being 17 is concerning because if he's up 24/7 botting websites with chatgpt scripts all day that means he's a neet doing it for free
imagine being his parents and knowing your son is a failure
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if you dont answer im spamming child porn




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It's an imageboard for whatever, i don't know. Also you won't do shit faggot kys.


dont… challenge… me..


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Even though the shemmy is owned by younger people and is even more pointless


why will normgroid php programmers ghost you for mentioning anything imageboard related or "vichan"
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It's happened when trying to hire for developers. Maybe it depends on the places I look for but I have no idea where to even go for that if I'd want them to not immediately fuck off because imageboards le scary


shemmycucks cant accept that quote's indian content is better than their 1 inch pooner cock


quote makes zero content i don't think he's even made a single jak


I guess you could try doing the development work yourself. Don't think many altchans have dedicated developers, and I don't believe Svvt had one when he started the Shemmy either.


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Trying to learn from scratch would take too long man, especially for what i need right now. I think there's only a couple options left before it's unironically over. But i'll have to see

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