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>vichan has been updated to- ACKK!

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>remember ninny.win

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okay thread


bad thread


excellent thread


Pro-Black reply.


Hacker-Brown answer.

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guys ive got a solution
>we all go into a coma for 15 years
>soysphere dies
>15 years later oldfag larpers discover what was the soysphere
>they create a new soyjak-oriented shitposting website
>we all use that
>we repeat this if this ever happens again




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no just no


Gonna dm mud on the schlog to ddos and bot this shoallypedo refugee camp
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it'd be funny doe


trvke but the man who purple would ddos the site to death


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he won't do shit we have coswork flare


Trvke, he's too Aryan to beat GODwork.



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svvt here, i actually lied about coswork and business inquirer running this site, its actually just me running it! this means you can post on it now


Coswork here, this is true.


why are shemmycacas so schizophrenic? nobody is datamining you here, post you niggers

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Coswork gem?



wrong site bruv

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