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>vichan has been updated to- ACKK!

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cant reply to threads award

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vadim.. please save us vadim.. please save us.. the discordcucks don't stop..

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vichan upgrade




actually that "janitor upgrade" was quite funny


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>it's all copied and pasted code from angeleno GPT

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might as well implode the site with my mind




Then.. use them instead?


just give money to vadim so that he comes here and saves the site.

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>shemmy jannies
>aryan janny cabal of oldfags
>they don't rulecuck spam unless you're botting
>rarely if ever capcode on the main board
>are all basically anonymous
>happily allowed another site to be used as a bunker
>has OC and art made of them by their userbase
>has dealt with the brunt of quote's leakage

<ninny jannies

<made up of rejected and lolcow namefags from the shemmy
<leaks over the smallest spam
<all under 18
<would prefer to be a dead shithole than be affiliated with the actual shemmy
<lets mods see ips
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>inb4 he deletes this thread


Everything you've received is only because of the aryan shemmy jannies who thought you and your site was worth the time. How about show some respect cockvore.


So you say… Lee was a good guy?


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>so you say… i'm a discord user? and i talk to zellig pedos?

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>this ONE single image can make janitors immediately shit themselves and cry; find out what it is!

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>okay.. now make it so you can't bump any frogWARRIOR threads
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i say this.


because you are demoralisers and don't like this site


the site has 5 posters



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2 discord avatarfags
and 3 people that only use it as a bunker
those three people are telling you this site is just a shitty bunker (it is) and having discord users as moderators will lead too this shit site dying faster
in conclusion kill yourself

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>rigged polls
>namefag admins nobody likes
i'm noticing..
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So you don't want anyone to post on your site?


You clearly dislike this place. And you aren't getting your way


I liked this place initially, but you can't just be this much of a faggot and expect everyone to be fine with shit. No wonder no other shemmy users were here this place stinks like a discord cabal


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avatarfags.. how do we respond?
oh nonononononoononon… i think they're FUCKING DEAD because >>3367 KILLED THEM


idrc what you think though running this place is fun

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>ninnyblubber (who'll never be anything but a bunker) ARE THIS DESPERATE TO SILENCE PATRIOTS
might as well redirect the site to discord.com
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Stop calling me that


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so much this
site will only ever be active as a bunker or target for spam
13 year old avatarfags may have false hopes of being the next splinter.. but… nope!


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discord attentionwhore would be more accurate


Stop leaking pls


maybe he will if you all step down and give the site to him.

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